First take a “quick-read” of the 10 Steps. Rate yourself. Then read more in depth about the steps that interest you. Increase your presentation productivity and success by following these recommendations.
1: Channel Your Nervousness
- Practice out loud.
- Put yourself in a good mood.
- Balance your life: food, rest, exercise, fun.
- Create a group of supporters.
- Really look at your audience.
- Practice with the technology
2: Define Your Objective
- Research your audience.
- State your objective.
- Use a format:
- General Format
- Benefit Selling
- Report Progress
- Strategy Recommendation
- Communicating Bad News
- Teaching Skills
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3: Organize Everything
- Make your notes brief and readable.
- Follow up on logistics.
- Specialists: Cut the unnecessary “details.”
- Review talk with someone not familiar with your subject.
- Take out “jargon” and buzz words, spell out acronyms.
4: Create and Use Visuals
- Select the visual media: electronic, overheads, slides, hard copy.
- Vary the visuals.
- Edit twice.
- Practice using the equipment.
- Have a back-up plan in case something is inoperable.
- Talk to the audience, not the visual.
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5: Energize Yourself
- Project your voice.
- Use examples to keep your voice lively.
- Make eye contact.
- Change the pace.
- Gesture to energize yourself.
- Do a “real” rehearsal.
6: Motivate Your Audience
- Establish rapport with your audience.
- Control the room temperature and set-up so everyone can see you and your visuals.
- Dress the role.
- Appeal to all senses: visual, auditory and kinesthetic.
- Use pictures, exercises, sounds, questions and examples.
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7: Conclude With Conviction
- Keep a confident voice.
- Have an energetic stance.
- Plan concluding sentences and practice them out loud.
- Vary your conclusion:
- Facts
- R”Just imagine” scenario
- Conserve your energy to speak to people after your talk.
8: Manage Questions
- Tell people when to ask questions: during the talk or at the end of the talk.
- Talk to the whole audience when answering the question.
- Ask, “Do you need more information now?”
- Prepare your second conclusion for after the question period.
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9: Recommend Next Steps
- Negotiate your recommendations.
- Clarify people’s roles and responsibilities regarding the next steps.
- Control the discussion-learn how to mediate conflict between people.
- Have colleagues present for support.
10: Take The Leap
- Be you! Use your unique talents.
- Persevere! Don’t take no as the final answer.
- Personalize! Tailor your talk to the audience.
- Find your passion! Be passionate in speaking about your subject.
- Use your humor, when appropriate.
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