The Best Communicators Follow a Roadmap
Oct 15, 2019 | 0
Do you want to get ahead? Be seen as someone who is clear, concise and organized when communicating? Then you must identify your Presentation Roadmap.
I recently coached someone for a meeting with her Board. She had lots of data and several attractive pictures. But as I was listening to her on the phone, I got lost in all of the information. Also, I found myself wanting to ask her all sorts of detailed questions. Why? Since I was not getting the big picture, I focused on the details.
How can you avoid this type of situation? The answer is to know where you are going before you start. In other words, create a Presentation Roadmap.
By filling out this Presentation Roadmap before you create any slides, you will save time and gain focus.
When you are clear about your roadmap, you will be able to create a communication or presentation that is focused, engaging and concise. Your audience will perceive you as clear, organized and competent. An added benefit: you will be viewed as a high-potential executive candidate.
So get ahead by clearly knowing where you are going—and take your audience with you!